Charles Salomon Primary School
It was a very challenging year for the students, parents, teachers, and administrators at the Charles Salomon Primary School. Due to circumstances beyond their control, the start of school was delayed until January, so they had to make up for a lot of lost time. The teachers are extraordinary, however, and did just that! All 25 of the school's returning students who were scheduled to take standardized tests passed with flying colors.
The Charles Salomon Primary School continues to serve children in Port-de-Paix who may not attend school otherwise. Classes are based on grade level, not age, so no student gets left behind.
358 Students pre-k through grade 9
33 Staff
Calixte (standing left) and Ferdinand (standing right) Juste lead a water filtration system training for the women of Demier.
Demier Clean Water and Health Program
This past year Healing Art Missions invested in 50 new 5-gallon water filtration systems and 30 repair kits for the community of Demier. Ferdinand and Calixte Juste are HAM employees who live in Demier and maintain the water systems, train the community on their use, and to provide basic health services, such as vaccinations.