Things in Haiti slow down in the summer. School is out and it’s very, very, hot. Tracee was the USA portion of the team, along with some help from others back home via phone and internet. Jacques, Charles, Tracee, and clinic staff spent time evaluating each program and coming up with ideas for improvement. This is Dr. Jacques first month to devote his full attention to the clinic since graduating from his MBA program, so this review was particularly timely. We continue to give the safe birthing program extra time and support since it is one of our newest programs. This trip we introduced the “Days for Girls” program with the help of Amesville - New England Parish. seeks to supply girls with washable hygiene kits, so they don’t miss school while on their period. We also began a program to distribute LUCI lights to school children at the Charles Solomon school in Port-de-Paix. In October we hope to extend the program into Demier.
Charles receiving LUCI lights to take to students, so they will be able to study after dark
Nurse Ruth, and her daughter with a Days for Girls kit.
Nurse Midwife, Marie Fleur with supplies donated by Dr Becky Stilson.