On May 1st Healing Art Missions’ Medical Director in Haiti, Dr. Jacques, sent an update on the current situation of Covid-19 in Haiti. We are sharing Dr. Jacques’ report with our supporters as direct insight into what the Haitian population is facing and how the HAM clinic in Dumay is responding. As for the Haitian government, according to Haitian Prime Minister, Joseph Jouthe, Haiti was in a fragile state disturbed by political turmoil and socio-economic problems even before the arrival of Covid-19. The Government of Haiti has announced the extension of the state of health emergency until 20 May 2020, though subcontracting factories have reopened on 20 April with adopted measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
Dr. Jacques has been participating in the working meetings of the Multisectoral Commission for the Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic that oversees the coordination of the Covid-19 health response in Haiti. The Multisectoral Commission is a collaboration between Haiti’s various government agencies, including Ministry of Health (MSPP), and the various international humanitarian groups working in Haiti, in conjunction with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
The data, as of May 1st and presented at the Multisectoral Commission meeting that same day, is as follows: total cases: 81 with the first cases diagnosed on March 20, 2020; total deaths: 8; total recovered: 8; total tests: 827 which means there have been 72 test per 1 million people, while in the Dominican Republic there have been 2339 tested per million people, and in the U.S. 19,957 tested per million people.
According to Multisectoral Commission co-president, Dr. William Pape, to date there are only 3 facilities for treating Covid-19 patients in Haiti with total bed capacity of 300 for 12 million people, an average of one coronavirus bed per 4000 people to treat infected patients. Dr. Pape, citing a study from Oxford University, reports that 86% of the Haitian population can be infected with Covid-19, hence the importance of barrier measures. To effectively respond to the coronavirus pandemic, the Multisectoral Commission has proposed a budget of $ 176 million USD to fight Covid-19, though they are trying to identify where the funds may come from as to date they have no money.
From what Dr. Jacques reports and from reading the OCHA reports we receive, some of the key concerns Haiti is facing in this crisis are as follows:
Procurement of key protective and medical items continues to be a major challenge.
The situation of vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities and children’s homes, especially as child protection and preventive activities in the nutrition sector have been suspended.
A significant increase in border crossings from the Dominican Republic, where 5,044 Covid-19 cases had been confirmed as of 22 April, to Haiti, with 17,430 crossing just between the 12th and 19th of April.
Continuing increase in food insecurity, already a significant problem due to the socio-political problems of the past year.
Dr. Jacques and the HAM clinic staff are responding to needs of our community by taking the following steps:
Healing Art Missions Clinic is remaining open five days a week.
Since the announcement of the coronavirus pandemic, every Thursday, Dr. Jacques has actively participated in online humanitarian meetings organized by OCHA on information on Haitian government activities on the Covid-19 plan and especially on advice and recommendations that humanitarian actors can provide to the Haitian government in the fight against Covid-19.
On Friday, May 1, 2020, Dr. Jacques gave an online training session to the Haiti Development Institute (HDI) members to help them better understand the coronavirus outbreak.
HAM has worked closely with community leaders through awareness messaging and distribution of Covid-19 kits containing: 6 bars of hand soap, 6 bottles soap, 2 gal. chlorine, 1 bottle of alcohol, 12 pairs of clean gloves, 4 fabric masks, a 5 gallon bucket with a tap for hand-washing water. Also included is an awareness message from Dr. Jacques on how to avoid transmission of the corona virus, including washing your hands with soap, avoiding crowds of people, and if you have an important reason to go out, to wear a mask on your face. The kits were given to community leaders by Dr. Jacques with a personal plea to publicly wash their hands and wear a mask to set an example for the community members to follow.
Hand washing stations, like the one in the photo, have been set up in the local communities of Galette Mango Jérémie , Pont Dumay in front of the public market, Campech, Galette Roche Blanche, and Cannaan.
We have complete faith that Dr. Jacques and the staff of the HAM clinic are doing all they can to prepare, as best they can, for when this Novel Corona Virus reaches their community. Here in the U.S., we pledge to continue to support their work by paying salaries and providing the funds for medicine and supplies, whatever resources we can provide to support the community we serve.